ATE CR, a.s. |
Chudenická 1059/30
| 102 00 Praha 10
phone: 412 334 608 |
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  • English

PF 2025


consultancy, environmental consultancyThe advisory services (environmental consultancy) includes advisory and consulting services in all areas of environmental protection, processing of notices, documents and reports environmental impact assessment reports (EIA), and the processing of applications for integrated permits (IPPC).



Environmental Impact Assessment is carried out within the framework of Act 100/2001 Coll. (Environmental Impact Assessment Act), as amended. The documentation and reports may only be processed according to the Act by duly authorized individuals.


Notification of project and concept impacts of on the environment

consultancy, environmental consultancyA notifier who intends to implement a project is required to submit a notification to the competent authority, in writing and an electronic form. The details to be included in such a notification are stated in Annex 3 (Terms of Notification) of Act 100/2001 Coll. If the project is subject to assessment according to Annex 1 (Category I and II projects) to this Act, the notifier shall always provide an outline of the main alternatives studied and the key reasons for the choice reflecting the environment. It is possible to submit a notification with content specified in Annex 4 (Requirements regarding document content) to the Act.

The person submitting a motion for concept processing (presenter) is required to submit a notification of the concept to the competent authority, in writing and an electronic form. The details of the concept notification are stipulated in Annex 7.

Documentation of project environmental impact

The notifier will ensure that the documentation is processed in writing and an electronic form, on the basis of the notification, the statement according to Section 6 (3) and (4) and the conclusion of the preliminary proceedings under Section 7. The documentation formalities are set out in Annex 4 of the Act.

Expertise processing

The competent authority, usually a Regional Office or the Ministry of the Environment, will usually ensure that a report is issued by an authorized person (report processor) according to Section 19. The report processor will issue an assessment report based on the documentation, or the notification and all submitted comments. The documentation formalities are set out in Annex 5 of the Act.



The operator of a system listed in Annex 1 of Act 76/2002 Coll. (Integrated Prevention Act), will submit a completed application (in writing and an electronic form) to the authority competent to issue an IPPC. Applications for IPPC must be completed according to the template provided in an Annex to Decree 554/2002 Coll., establishing the form of IPPC application, including a brief summary of data in accordance with Section 4 (1) (d) of the Act.



Environmental consultancy - Environmental audits

consultancy, environmental consultancyEnvironmental audits are usually processed in connection with the transfer of state or private property (municipalities, land fund, military property, etc.) to legal persons, individuals, or municipalities. As a general rule, the process is divided into two stages: administrative stage and survey stage. The aim is to independently review all available data regarding individual environmental components from the historical results of surveys previously conducted within the site and its surroundings, together with the implementation of specific survey work and overall assessment of risk factors arising from the potential existence of environmental burden. Environmental audits also include proposals for remedial measures and quantification of the financial costs required for the implementation thereof.

Environmental consultancy - Risk analyses

Risk analyses are recommended in cases where suspicion exists regarding the existence of a serious threat or contamination of surface or underground water, or regarding other negative effects of contamination on human health or individual environment components, where it is impossible to set out corrective measures based on a clearly proven violation of legal regulations. In these cases, risk analysis becomes a critical expert basis for the process of the elimination of risks associated with the contamination.

Risk analyses are processed according to Ministry of the Environment Methodical Instruction No. 12, referred to in the Bulletin of the Ministry of the Environment, Volume XV, Issue 9, of September 2005. Following an approval by the relevant institutions, they become the key basis for the determination of corrective actions, either by the Czech Environmental Inspection or the Regional Authority.



Supervision is based on the investor’s expert supervision of the processing and implementation of environmental projects. The supervisor keeps track of a project in terms of the compliance with the approved project documentation and also as regards the effective use of the financial resources allocated for the project.

The supervision is fully consistent with the ME OES guideline entitled “Guidelines for the Implementation and Evaluation of Supervisory Services in the Process of the Recovery of Old Environmental Burden, Prague, May 1997”, and “Amendment 1, Prague, January 1998” to the “Guidelines for the Implementation ...”.

consultancy, environmental consultancy The supervisory task is completed by the issue of a final supervision report, assessing the results of the completed tasks and the contractor’s final report.